domingo, 20 de julio de 2014

Shinobu Arima - Contract Marriage

Shinobu esta metido en algunos asunto turbios, pensaba que sería algo mafioso pero no se habla mucho del asunto. Lo interesante de su ruta es que junta a los tres personajes pero aparte de eso es una historia entretenida pero pasable.

I need money (+5)
You've made your decision based on that alone? (+3)
You must be kidding (+3)
What if I say no? (+1)
Nice to meet you (+5)
I don't need you to worry that much (+5)
I can't do anything (+3)
Not every girl likes gossip (+3)
Don't tease me (+5)
I'm happy that you choose this but (+3)
Is it okay for you to leave? (+3)
You made me cry (+1)
I wanted some time for myself (+5)
Soji didn't do anything wrong (+1)
Then why...? (+5)
I don't need that (+3)
The money isn't the issue (+5)
But this bed is too small (+1)
Are you worrying over me? (+5)
Fight back (+3)
Thank you for coming (+5)
Were you here with me the whole time? (+5)
I thought I'd look weak (+1)
... (+5)
Of course (no increase)
If you are ok with it (+3)
Are you shocked? (+3)
Do you really need to do this? (+3)
Was it something I shouldn't have done? (+5)
I don't understand it myself (+1)
That's good (+1)
Is this what you wanted? (+3)
Anywhere you want to go (+5)

Walkthrough Toma Saji

viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

Misato Yusuke - Sweet scandal

 De Sweet scandal Yusuke es sin duda mi preferido ^^. Al principio pensaba que iba para borde o tsundere pero no, es más bien del tipo tierno pero vergonzoso.

No es una monaaaada? X3
Resolve the misunderstanding (+3)
I will only write the truth (+1)
Watch quietly (+3)
Call out his name (+5)
Well, you know (+5)
He has a cute smile (+1)
I wanted to do it (+5)
I want to help (+3)
I'm only just getting started (+5)
Thanks for coming to get me (+5)
He's like a brother to me (+5)
Do you want to come with us? (+3)
S-Sorry... (+1)
How are you doing? (+5)
What are you thinking? (+5)
Yes, I do (+3)
There are a lot of good players (+3)
There's always next time (+3)
Didn't you like it? (+1)
I'm worried about both of you (+1)
I came to see you (+5)
Is it ok to be missing the interview? (+3)
You could just go to show your face (+3)
Why? (+3)
You can rely on me anytime (+1)
Why did you stop me? (+5)
Don't apologize (+3)
You really did love him (+1)
Tell him the truth (+5)
I'll tell you everything (+5)
I'm so happy (+5)
That's awful (+5)
I'll be right there (+5)

Y aquí algunos intentos de juntar ambas partes. En serio, no les costaría nada hacer una galería o algo con las imágenes completas...

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Itsuki Horai - Sweet scandal

Horai es el más tierno y maduro de los tres (no os fiéis de Amasawa!) pero yo lo encontré algo soso aunque debo reconocer que no me resultó tan aburrido como esperaba. Como en todos estos juegos hay tres tipos de respuestas: las buenas dan 5 puntos, las malas 1 y las "meh" 3. Lo mejor es hacer amigos y saludarles cada día para acumular puntos de lotería y gastarlos en el gacha: siempre que te toque una prenda de ropa asociada a tu personaje subirá el afecto. Aseguraos de que cuando haya un aviso de que necesitáis X puntos para ver alguna escena especial dais la talla y llegareis sin problema al final feliz ^^.

I hope you find her (+5)
I'll go with you (+5)
I wanted to help the boy (+5)
Let's enjoy it together (+1)
You are a great cook (+5)
It's nice and warm (+5)
The photographs alone are fantastic (+3)
I'll be more careful (+3)
They're adorable (+3)
Are you complimenting me? (+5)
We are like family (+1)
Smile and nod (+1)
Thank you (+5)
I'm embarrassed (+5)
O-Okay, I'll try my best (+3)
Quietly nod (+5)
Don't worry about me (+3)
It's very comforting (+5)
It's not Mr Horai's fault (+3)
Are you worried? (+3)
Not here (+5)
What good really came from it? (+1)
I want to help (+5)
I'm worried about you too (+5)
Thank you for saving me (+1)
Are you jealous? (+5)
I want to be with you too (+5)
Your mom's going to be okay (+3)
I was worried (+5)
I'll always stay by your side (+5)
I'll help you too (+5)
That's what I planned to do (+3)
Will you be okay? (+1)

lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

Kamil - Arabian Nights~Free dating sim

Kamil es agresivo, algo celoso y el más directo de los tres hermanos pero tiene un toque algo ingenuo que no aparentaba en el resto de rutas. Y lo más raro, como todos los hermanos si no vas a por ellos no muestran prácticamente ningún interés por el trono -alguna vez hasta parece que no les gusta la idea-, pero si no se obsesionan con ello.

I'm sorry (+5)
Please wait (+5)
Stop being so full of yourself (+3)
You must be joking (+3)
It's not that I've stopped... (+5)
No way... (+3)
I'm not sad! (+5)
I work with them (+1)
I understand (+3)
Do you really want me to do it? (+1)
It's a bit strange (+3)
Nonsense (+5)
Kamil, only you will do (+5)
You're being unreasonable (+3)
Sorry (+5)
I'm not angry! (+5)
You are not bad (+3)
You're wrong (+1)
It's the truth (+3)
I... (+5)
Nothing in particular (+3)
I can't say (+1)
It's a secret (+5)
It's fine (+3)
I still can meet the later (+5)
A little (+5)
Nod silently (+1)
Why? (+3)
In that case (+3)
I don't know (+5)
Yes, but... (+3)
Don't worry (+5)


Otras rutas:

sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

Sinbad - Arabian nights love story

Sinbad es el personaje más misterioso del juego y su ruta es de todas la más rara (pero no puedo contar mucho que es spoiler), sólo diré que su historia es la que más giros y sorpresas tiene, que en ella la protagonista tiene un peso mucho más importante y que sale un personaje que en un libro basado en las 1001 noches faltaba:
¿Es que nadie había echado en falta a Aladdin? XD
I grabbed the man standing in front of me (+5)
Try to convince him (+5)
But I have to stop him (+5)
It's too dangerous (+5)
Don't joke (+5)
Do you know him? (+5)
Yeah, I guess I do (+1)
Grab Sinbad's arm (+5)
I don't know (+5)
Should I start from the beginning? (+5)
I want to hear it from you (+5)
Run to him (+5)
Are you joking? (+5)
Placate Hardy (+5)
He might be looking for me (+5)
I'm sorry (+3)
See him off (+5)
Is Sinbad safe? (+5)
Are you hurt? (+5)
You should come with us, Assad (+5)
I'll wait until he is ready (+3)
You planned to stay in this kingdom? (+3)
Do your injuries hurt? (+3)
Please, let me help you from now on (+5)
Touch his face (+5)
There must be a reason (+5)
Of course that's a lie (+5)
Don't worry (+1)
If it's just my imagination (+5)
It's kind of amazing (+1)
What should I do? (+3)
Run! (+1)
Shout (+3)

Y así tenemos el Romantic ending! ^^

Otras rutas:
Walkthrough Assad
Walkthrough Ali Baba