jueves, 10 de julio de 2014

Ali Baba - Arabian nights love story

No es su ropa habitual pero me encanta cómo le queda ^^
Ali Baba es algo así como el justiciero del reino, va por ahí intentando mantener las cosas en orden y metiéndose en líos con cara de malas pulgas y un pasado turbulento a sus espaldas. En el fondo es buen tío pero no es muy expresivo y su cara es así de forma natural (son sus cejas...).
Awww... sólo una vez sonríe así.
Cover your face (+5)
Thank you very much (+5)
Is your wish really so impossible? (+5)
Ask for help (+3)
Hug him back (+5)
Thank you so much (+5)
He's really thoughtful (+5)
Thank you again (+5)
Why do you hate each other so much? (+3)
I'm willing to accept the consequences (+3)
Go with Ali Baba (+5)
Call out (+1)
Don't move (+3)
Are you making fun of me? (+3)
Ali Baba (+5)
Don't resist (+3)
I wish Ali Baba was here (+5)
Were you there to talk to the sultan? (+5)
... were pretty scared (+3)
You are too kind (+3)
Only if I have permission (+3)
Are you jealous? (+1)
I still have to stop him (+5)
He's worried about me (+3)
Tell them (+1)
I'm sorry (+3)
I'm sure everyone feels the same way (+3)
Let's think about this together (+3)
Please, listen to what I have to say (+3)
Listen to me (+1)
Don't underestimate me (+3)
It's not your fault (+5)
Kill me! (+1)

Y no voy a contar el final pero esta imagen tengo que subirla o reviento:
Kyaaaah!! X3
Otras rutas:

Que monos de pequeños...

Anda! La protagonista tiene cara! :D
Odio que corten así las imágenes... Y ni siquiera hay galería donde salgan completas!

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