viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Soji - Ninja assassin+

Tímido y amable, puede resultar algo brusco a veces. Creo que no se ha profundizado lo suficiente en su pasado. La historia no está mal pero a menudo me resultaba algo lenta y hay partes que se han dejado muy en el aire, pero tal vez se descubra si me hago las rutas del resto de personajes.

I'll give it my best / You may be right
I was not scared / I was scared
Don't tell me... / Is it work?
Maybe... / Not at all
No / Yes
I didn't do anything / I did? Really?
You are talking about work / Thanks for your concern
With Soji / With evreyone
What do you think? / Does it look funny?
I'm sorry / I didn't mean to
You first / [la otra opción es la correcta]
It's too dangerous / I'm going with you
Thanks / I'm embarrassed
I'll be ok / I do too
I'm sorry / I was trying to wake you
I wanted to come / I came with Sion
Continue?! / Okay
Dangerous or not... / Then what shall we do?
Okay / I can't
It wasn't Soji's fault / William is...

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