sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

Seduced in the sleepless city - Noel Aijima walkthrough

Me encanta este personaje: al principio es frío y taciturno y luego es tierno y amable ^^. Tiene una ruta que da unos cuantos giros imprevistos (lo que esté muy bien) y tiene un final un poco light pero dulce. El único problema que le veo es que el epílogo es soso y no añade nada nuevo.

Happy ending

1 I'm sorry I woke you
2 Just one interview, please...
3 Do you think I could learn...?
4 Ask him his favourite food
5 It's for an observational piece
6 This is my towel
7 Did it not go very well today?
8 Don't do anything
9 Hold on Noel
10 Say no
11 You look really handsome
12 I'm fine
13 Let's think about ehat we can do now
14 Please let me go
15 Is it because I kept looking around?
16 It's embarrassing
17 A cheerful kid
18 Can I help?
19 A friend
20 You're joking, right?
21 Talk about food
22 Is there anything I can do?
23 Just a little
24 We are not!
25 It's a secret
26 The truth is...
27 Don't regret anything
28 Yes, I have something to tell you too
29 Am I dreaming?
30 I'll stay a little longer

Consejo: A veces parece que tontea pero en realidad te está tomando el pelo. No seas ingenua o pondrá mala cara.

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