jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

Walktrough Kaiji - My Sweet bodyguard

Kaiji Happy ending
This is all new to me!
Sorry for making you come
I'm trying my best
Get angry
Do you want to sleep on the bed?
What does Kaiji think?
Say nothing
They're very different
Do I look okay?
Tell him you are nervous
I'm nervous too
I understand enough!
Take Kaiji's
Are you okay?
Did you compliment me?
Is your foot okay?
We were talking about you
Can we go?
Stare at Kaiji
Ask him to repeat it
It's not creepy at all
Say nothing and stare
Are you joking?
I don't remember...
I'm fine
Step in front of Kaiji

Para ver la versión para GREE aquí.

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Walkthrough Haru Shindo - Celebrity Darling for Gree

Haru Shindo (para conseguir una A + 50.000 fans = Sweet ending!)

Es de lejos mi personaje preferido de Celebrity darling. Al principio parece bastante frío pero la verdad es que es sólo introvertido (y un obseso de su trabajo) pero a mi me parece el personaje más tierno y maduro del juego.

Accept it / Politely refrain
Sing your heart out / Too afraid of being laughed at to sing
Decline because you are not a member / Accept because you want to hear the song
Decline because you have not practiced / Accept though you haven't practiced
I'll put in more days of practice / Ask Mr. Yamada
Lie to avoid worrying him / Be candid
Enter / You don't have time
Ask what kind of onigiri garnish he likes / Ask what kind of onigiri garnish he hates
Say you helped a little girl / Just apologize
Yes, I'm concerned / No, I'm not
I've been busy / It's not him
Let me think / I couldn't
Coffee / Recording studio
It's cold / It's energetic
Try it out / Pass
Drink tea / Chew gum
A dress / Turtle neck and shorts
Chill the bowl / Hand mixer
Pizza / Special
Sing / Listen quietly
Jacket and shorts / Cardigan and miniskirt
Penguins / Break
Accept the offer / Turn down the offer
Watch everyone's acoustic checks / Walk around the audience
Head into the audience / Stay in the waiting room
Is it okay for me to join you? / Yes!
Help out / Watch her
Hamburger steak / Meat sauce
Openly deny it / Add nothing
Do as you are told / I don't want to
Take a walk / Step outside
Contact him / Don't contact him
No problem / Ask what to watch out
Tell the truth / Be evasive
All the time / I try not to
Sing / Decline
Unseal them / Wait for permission 
Nothing / Tell him about the fan mail