miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

Walktrough Hayato Shiratori - Celebrity Darling for Gree

Al principio este personaje no me llamaba nada. Pero nada nada. Estaba por hacerlo el último o directamente pasar de él. Pero durante la ruta de Kyosuke Nakanishi me llamó bastante la atención y decidí darle una oportunidad. No es tan capullo como lo pintan al principio, sólo tiene un humor un poco retorcido. Y con el tiempo te acostumbras a su diseño (a mi se me hace raro, no sé... está con la cabeza girada de una forma rara y tiene una sombra bajo el ojo que no sé si es para que parezca más adulto o son ojeras (??)). 
Tumblr: chiharuyukihana
Bring it to him yourself / Leave it with the reception desk
Bite back a retort / Give a sharp retort 
Eye mask / Mug
Just one more... / I'm sorry...
Would you like to eat with us? / Please, I'll let you eat first
Hold on / Nice work
Hold on / Okay...
Everything / I'll let you decide
I'll get it / I'll go with you
It's getting late / I'd love to...
Of course! / That's for me to know
Movie / Amusement park 
Tongue-tied / Deny it
But... / Okay...
Call him / Have Momo tell him
I think he's wonderful / I've never really thought about it
Flee back / Lie
Call Hayato / Call Yamada
I can't do that / Allright...
Wait / Okay
Stay silent / Wait
Arrangement with friend / Eat with my family
Look / Restrain your impulse
That's not true / I do the same to you
Don't force it / I'm sorry
Maybe it would be the best / Could I stand it?
Back away / Greet him
I don't know what to do / Nothing
Some / None
For me to know / Neither
Hide / Call out
I can't do this / I'd better get going
Let him go / Stop him
Great idea / Errr...
Encouragement / Say nothing
Put your hand away / Keep walking
Run / Stay
I'll get right back to the shoot  / I want to apologize
Fuente: hananemuri.blogspot.com