miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Ninja Love - Saizo Kirigakure

Es tan borde como parece y más pero tiene un lado tierno. A mi su ruta me gustó.

Help out (Close)
Let things go on (Brilliant + CG)
Prepare yourself (Brilliant)
Yeah, but... (Close)
I understand (Close)
Hug him too (Close)
Actually... That's true (Try harder)
A brave front (Close)
We are not done yet (Close)
I don't want you to get injured (Brilliant + CG)
I'll fight too (Close)
Hug him (Brilliant)
... (Close)
Don't worry (Brilliant)
Wait! (Close)
It's everyone's combined effort (Close)
Hug him (Close)
Definetely not! (Try harder)
Are you okay with it? (Brilliant)
Are you alright? (Try harder)
Hug him (Brilliant)
No (Close)
Throw a knife (Brilliant)
What about you? (Try harder)

Si alguna de estas respuestas está equivocada avisadme, por favor.

Esta imagen no es de la ruta principal sino de un spin-off

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